10 WWE Feuds That Started Over The DUMBEST Things

3. Raven Destroys Perry Saturn’s Mop

Drew McIntyre CM Punk Bracelet

It's said that befriending a literal mop was Perry Saturn's punishment for knocking lumps out of journeyman Mike Bell in 2001. If so, then Perry embraced the silliness and somehow turned himself babyface by taking "Moppy" everywhere he went. Being honest, this was hardly any sillier than Mick Foley getting tight with a sock pal he called "Mr. Socko".

What happened next was a step too far though.

Raven stole Moppy and put the thing in a wood chipper. Heartbroken (but with enough sawdust to last him a lifetime - silver linings, and all that!), Saturn tried to avenge his only friend by beating Raven at Unforgiven. They had a short, lukewarm five-minute match that would've been better placed on free TV than on pay-per-view.

Terri Runnels was jealous of the mop (?!) for stealing Perry away from her, so she enlisted Raven's help to make him see sense. Once the pair realised that wasn't happening, they murdered Moppy on-air. Both have yet to stand trial for their crimes.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.