10 WWE Finishers That Don't Make Sense

7. 630 Splash

cesaro Neutralizer

When Ricochet arrived on Monday Night Raw in early 2019 he was thrown into a tag team with fellow debutant, Aleister Black, and just as the two were getting over as a duo *SNAP* they were sent their separate ways.

Of course, Ricochet was never going to have trouble getting the casual audience to understand what he was all about.

Selling like a lunatic and flying like Superman.

Yet, WWE have been seemingly reluctant to strap a rocket to his back and that can possibly be traced back to his top rope 630 Splash.

Resembling nothing that the fans at home (or WWE's upper management) have ever seen before, the move sees Ricochet rotating a ridiculous amount of times before landing on his opponent in a senton position.

It's a fascinating sight, yet you can't help but wonder how long he'll be able to keep it in his arsenal for. Wrestlers aren't immortal and there will come a time when Ricochet won't be able to perform this unbelievable manoeuvre and that could dilute his crowd reaction going forward, which is something WWE will be aware of.

Jeff Hardy has resorted to taking his Swanton Bomb out of his weaponry at live events due to this very same reason and this has seen some fans leave unhappy because of the lack of signature finisher on show.

There's also the risk of injury that comes with age (something Hardy can also relate to) so it was wise for Ricochet to add the Codebreaker as an alternate finisher in order to consolidate his presence as a fan-favourite.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...