10 WWE Gimmick Reboots That Saved The Wrestler's Career

2. Husky Harris To Bray Wyatt

He's still in the infancy of this new gimmick, and his ultimate career destination is far from decided, but the gimmick change is so drastic for Windham Rotunda, that he belongs at the top of this list. The son of Mike Rotunda (IRS), Windham is a second-generation talent who was highly coveted by the WWE. He was a part of the second season of NXT, but like other superstars during the first two seasons of NXT, he was saddled with an awful name, Husky Harris, and no gimmick whatsoever. Harris had a unique tag line, The Sherman Tank with the Ferrari Engine, but he was never given a chance to do anything with it. He was a member of CM Punk's New Nexus, but barely made a dent of an impact and was written off television before Wrestlemania 27. Between 2011 and 2012, Windham Rotunda found a part of himself that perhaps he didn't know previously existed, and out of the ashes of Husky Harris came Bray Wyatt, a slick-talking cult leader. By the time Wyatt debuted in the WWE in 2013, even though he was greeted with Husky Harris chants on his debut night, the difference was night and day. Bray Wyatt is a gimmick with staying power, and Wyatt has faced off against The Undertaker and John Cena over the past two Wrestlemanias respectively, and will be working Brock Lesnar at this year's Wrestlemania. Considering where Rotunda has been with Husky Harris, and where he is now with Bray Wyatt, he deserves to be this high up on the list.
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Bray Wyatt
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.