10 WWE Managers Who Totally Outshone Their Wrestlers
Alexa Bliss, Sable, and the other wrestling managers more over than their clients...

Managers are an integral part of professional wrestling culture. While other athletes have a team behind them, not a single member can get involved in their charge's competition quite like the men and women who stand at ringside.
Wrestling anagers add much to feuds, though practically they can make up for a wrestler's shortcomings in the entertainment aspect of sports entertainment. The most notable modern example is Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman - the extreme creative genius has been integral to the success of 'The Beast Incarnate'. Heyman is currently proving himself again alongside Roman Reigns.
We only need to look at how much Andrade floundered when he was separated from Zelina Vega to see the benefits reaped in a harmonious wrestler/manager relationship. When Vega resumed her life as Thea Trinidad the writing was on the wall, as clear as nWo spray paint, for Andrade.
But when a manager is great at their job, and their personality is so strong, there is always the risk that they can take a considerable chunk of their client's fanbase.
At worst, the manager is the star attraction and the action in the ring is secondary. Some of wrestling's biggest names have got their start as seriously over managers...
10. Stacy Keibler (Test & Scott Steiner)

In the early '00s Test and Scott Steiner had two of the most impressive physiques on the WWE roster, but neither made the mark as top-level WWE stars. Both briefly flirted with the top of the card - Test as the jilted lover in Triple H and Stephanie McMahon's relationship, and Steiner while feuding with 'The Cerebral Assassin' for a few months.
For Test, the solution was logical. He was paired up with his real-life girlfriend Stacy Keibler. Her rebranding of Test was good for all of a few minutes, before Stacy (Creative) suggested he name his fans ‘Testicles'.
As wrestling is wont to do when a manager surpasses their wrestler, Test was booked into a jealousy storyline, with Steiner entering the situation as the catalyst for Test’s envy. Steiner's gallant saviour act was short-lived. He soon joined Test in heel-dom.
Stacy was the sole performer who got over from the seedy angle that lasted far too long. Test slipped down the card, embarked on a losing streak against Stevie Richards, and was soon struck by injury. Steiner too was injured, re-emerging in TNA during 2006.