10 WWE Managers Who Totally Outshone Their Wrestlers

7. Sable (Marc Mero)

10 WWE Managers Who Totally Outshone Their Wrestlers

The real-life husband and wife debuted in WWE at WrestleMania XII. Sable appeared on-screen first, accompanying Hunter Hurst Helmsley during his squash match loss against The Ultimate Warrior. After Hunter's defeat, Marc Mero cut an impassioned debut promo, interrupted by Triple H and Sable. Mero saved his wife from the rough handling and disrespect of the Connecticut snob.

Mero had a considerable body of work behind him in WCW, where he worked the Little Richard-inspired Johnny B. Badd gimmick. Meanwhile, Sable was a model who'd been booked for brands such as Pepsi and L'Oréal. Yet, when Mero brought his wife along with him for contract negotiations, Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn, and Vince Russo were awestruck by Sable. Both left Stamford with a contract.

Mero, with his wife’s backing, carved a solid career as a midcarder - the highlight was winning the Intercontinental Championship in a tournament that required him to defeat Stone Cold Steve Austin, Owen Hart, and Faarooq. Mero's run was unfortunately halted by an anterior cruciate ligament injury.

In his six-month absence, Sable's star had surpassed her husband's. Mero was booked as a jealous heel that led to a losing feud against the diva. Many, including Jim Cornette, consider Mero taking the Sable Bomb the death of his career.

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Alexa Bliss
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.