10 WWE Matches Everyone Asked For (Which Ended Up Sucking)

6. Shawn Michaels Vs. Rob Van Dam - Raw 2002

Shinsuke Nakamura AJ Styles Wrestle Kingdom 10 WWE WrestleMania 34

To think that this bout would've even been possible a mere year earlier would've been the stuff of dreams alone. The fact that it actually came to pass and wasn't celebrated as one of the finest showdowns in the history of Monday Night Raw is the stuff of most fans' nightmares, however.

With both Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam coming off of a gruelling Elimination Chamber match at Survivor Series 2002, that still couldn't stop the wrestling innovators from flipping, flying, and selling like the all-time greats they both would go down in history as unquestionably being.

Yet, there was still no escaping the fact that this match had been very much thrown together with little real build, so expecting a clean finish or even a sensational first-ever WWE World Title win for Mr. Monday Night was always going to be wishful thinking. And it wasn't too long before Triple H was on hand to dampen the action with a Pedigree to RVD, forcing a DQ win for the One of a Kind star.

The attention quickly flipped back on The Game and his former pal, with RVD and this one-time elusive dream match swept under the carpet shortly after.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...