10 WWE Matches John Cena Should Have Lost

1. Team WWE Vs The Nexus (SummerSlam 2010)

john cena punk

Here it is. The big one.

This has been talked about so much on this site that it doesn’t need that much more explanation. Cena, using his own creative control, halted the white-hot careers of seven up and coming stars from the first season of NXT. Even taking a DDT on exposed concrete wouldn’t keep The Face That Runs The Place down. He fought back and made Nexus leader Wade Barrett tap to the STF in the middle of the ring. Suddenly, this imposing threat seemed castrated.

It’s a telling sign that the likes of Edge and Chris Jericho told Cena that it was a bad idea to humiliate the rookies in this way. It’s a telling sign that Cena later admitted regret for his decision. It’s a telling sign that for all the potential the likes of Barrett, Justin Gabriel, and Skip Sheffield (Ryback) had, the group of 7 from SummerSlam 2010 produced no World Champions in WWE. It’s a telling fact that the only former members wrestling full time for WWE today are Heath Slater and Darren Young, both relegated to comedy acts.

All and all, we can only dream of what could’ve been, had Big Match John refrained from saying:



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John Cena
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Residing in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, Josh Butcher began watching wrestling in the most Canadian way possible: While looking for something to fill the void of the 2004-2005 NHL Lockout. Ever since, he has been a diligent fan of professional wrestling, even training to become a wrestler.