10 WWE Matches So Goofy They're Actually Great

9. Junkyard Dog vs. Moondog Spot (The Wrestling Classic)

The Mountie SummerSlam 1991

In this quarterfinal match-up from WWF's first pay-per-view, the disheveled and underwhelming Moondog Spot does the j-o-b for JYD in under a minute.

After a brief flurry of offense, Spot misses a splash, and Junkyard Dog replies with the worst headbutts you've ever seen. He delivers them on all fours, as if he's a sad baby ram, and then pins Moondog Spot.

And the capper? There's no referee in the ring for some reason, so JYD counts his own pinball and moves on to the next round of the tournament.

The entire debacle lasts about 45 seconds, and it's endlessly rewatchable in its awfulness.

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The Mountie
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