10 WWE Matches So Goofy They're Actually Great

8. John Cena Vs. Umaga, Armando Estrada, Coach And Johnny Nitro (Monday Night Raw 1/1/07)

The Mountie SummerSlam 1991

The mid-2000s were a strange time for both pop culture and John Cena.

Not only was he mired in a rivalry with the undefeated Samoan Bulldozer Umaga (or Umanga, or Yumanga, depending on who was saying his name), but he somehow found himself tormented by the untalented love squeegee of pop princess Britney Spears, Kevin Federline.

Yes, K-Fed was aligned with the ever-annoying Melina and Johnny Nitro, and this led to a match between Cena and Federline in the opening match of the very first Raw of 2007. And because it's WWE, the celebrity went over, thanks to interference from the Samoan savage.

This led to a four-on-one main event pitting Cena against a litany of annoying heels. Not only would Cena send Umaga packing with some chair shots, but he got his revenge on K-Fed by delivering a pair of AAs (one on the air, one afterward for the crowd) to the wannabe music icon.

He did, in fact, hit him one more time.

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The Mountie
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Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.