10 WWE Matches So Goofy They're Actually Great

3. Blindfold Match (WrestleMania VII)

The Mountie SummerSlam 1991

The build-up was great. Jake "The Snake" Roberts was blinded by a blast of Arrogance perfume, courtesy of Rick "The Model" Martel, and sought to make it an eye for an eye at Wrestlemania.

But this match shouldn't have worked.

Take away all speed and athleticism from two great workers, and have them bumble around the ring in "blindfold" bags that were clearly see-through. It's a recipe for disaster.

It was slow. And yet, it was fun as hell.

Jake used his crowd support to his advantage, slowly sweeping his arm across the ring, letting the crowd's cheering reveal where Martel was hiding. It was clever storytelling, and it worked. Factor in Bobby Heenan's amazing commentary -- particularly his suggestion that Martel steal the ref's shirt so Jake would get confused -- and the pendulum on this one swings from goofy to great.

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The Mountie
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