10 WWE Matches That Made Vince McMahon Angry
4. Diesel Vs. The British Bulldog (In Your House 4)

1995 was not a banner year for the WWF.
Star power was at a premium, house shows were barely drawing and the entire product was stuck in 'New Generation' hell before things kicked into high gear with the dawning of 'Attitude'. Then, to Vince McMahon's dismay, along came In Your House 4, a stinker of a pay-per-view he could have done without.
Of the six matches on the card, only The Smoking Gunns vs. The 1-2-3 Kid and Razor Ramon offered up some entertainment. The rest, including Mabel vs. Yokozuna, Goldust vs. Marty Jannetty and Triple H vs. Fatu, felt like a 'B' level live event never mind a show fans were expected to pay for the pleasure of watching.
By the time Diesel worked Davey Boy Smith in the main event, McMahon had seen enough. He was so disgusted by the disjointed headliner that he angrily chucked his commentary headset away and stormed backstage as soon as it was done. Then, as fans watched a few bonus dark matches in the arena, Bruce Prichard had to listen to quite the tirade from his boss.