10 WWE Matches The Undertaker Wants You To Forget

9. King Kong Bundy (WrestleMania XI)

The Undertaker King Kong Bundy

Two years later, there was even more pain for 'Taker when company officials told him he'd be working with the outdated King Kong Bundy. The egg-shaped heel had been a major star in his day (he'd headlined 'Mania II opposite Hulk Hogan, for crying out loud), but Bundy had long-since passed his best by 1995.

Backstage, The Undertaker pinned down Bruce Prichard and asked why the f*ck anyone thought giving him opponents like Gonzales and '95 Bundy was a good idea. Prichard said on his podcast that he refused to bullsh*t his friend. He sympathised with him, and only asked that he make the best of a bad situation.

'Taker tried.

The sad truth is that nobody took Bundy seriously by the mid-90s. People in Hartford just wanted to see 'Taker roll over the top of him and then go on to bigger and better things. Unfortunately for them (and Mark Calaway), 1995 was about to get a whole lot worse...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.