10 WWE Matches The Undertaker Wants You To Forget

6. Kane (SummerSlam 2000)

WWE SummerSlam 2000 The Undertaker Kane
WWE Network

Nobody could claim with a straight face that The Undertaker vs. Kane at WrestleMania XIV was an in-ring classic. It wasn't, and yet the presentation had enough juice to save the day. Today, it's a fond memory for both parties, and sticks out as a fine use of 'Taker on the biggest show of the year.

Two years and four months later, they'd clash again at SummerSlam 2000. The circumstances were different; The Undertaker had shed his supernatural vibes to become a biker, and Kane's lore had already been through the wringer. Still, fans expected a decent brawl.

They wouldn't get one.

The SummerSlam effort went just over seven minutes and ended in a no contest when 'Taker ripped Kane's mask off. This 'No DQ' match (!?) was a poor bridge between TLC brilliance and the show's Triple Threat main event. It might be the worst 'Taker vs. Kane match ever.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.