10 WWE Matches The Undertaker Wants You To Forget

7. KroniK (Unforgiven 2001)

Kronik Brothers of Destruction Unforgiven 2001

Informally, the word 'chronic' can mean "of a very poor quality". Therefore, the tag-team formed by Bryan Clarke and Brian Adams in 2000-era WCW was one of the most self-aware in pro wrestling history - these guys were known for having poor matches, but that didn't exactly stick out in Atlanta towards the end.

It certainly did when they leapt over to the WWF.

Both Clarke and Adams were good friends with The Undertaker, so it seemed a no-brainer that they'd get their shot during the 'Invasion' angle in 2001. Comfortable that they'd get a solid midcard tag, the company put KroniK in there with 'Taker and Kane. The results were infamously crap.

KroniK looked like they'd never worked a match, and the 'Brothers Of Destruction' were not the types to bump around and cover for their opponent's inadequacies. Adams and Clarke would never work another WWF/WWE pay-per-view bout again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.