10 WWE Matches The Undertaker Wants You To Forget

3. Roman Reigns (WrestleMania 33)

The Undertaker Roman Reigns WrestleMania 33

The Undertaker felt sorry for Roman Reigns after WrestleMania 33.

When he sat down to watch the Orlando headliner with his wife Michelle McCool (a long time after in January 2018), the icon couldn't help but cringe. He saw an ageing shell of a performer who couldn't keep up with his younger peer, and he didn't like it one bit.

As Michelle tried to soothe her husband's battered ego, he gritted his teeth and grunted in horror upon seeing spots like that Tombstone reversal botch. This was a man who took pride in being someone who still belonged on the roster, but he had nowhere to hide when he saw the raw footage on WWE Network.

Watching him relive things was an unpleasant experience for this writer. He was there live at 'Mania that year, and he could see with his own eyes that The Undertaker was flagging less than halfway through the 23-minute main event.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.