10 WWE Mid-Carders Who Never Get The Credit They Deserve

10. Savio Vega

Steve Austin Savio Vega WrestleMania XII

It's a shame to think that many current WWE fans would reply with a confused look when asked about Savio Vega, especially when taking into consideration exactly what part the Puerto Rican star played in the rise of Steve Austin's 'Stone Cold' character.

Introduced as a pal of Razor Ramon's in 1995, the deceptively quick Vega was quickly cast as a Caribbean babyface similar to the likes of Pedro Morales. Exhibiting a friendly exterior during promos and always smiling for his fans, Vega also had Pedro's spirited resilience and willingness to fight even when the clear underdog.

The business was changing rapidly in the mid-90s though, and that's perhaps why Savio didn't make a bigger splash.

Looking back to his series of matches opposite Austin shows that Vega really understood that his role was to enhance his peer rather than be the star himself. Such an unselfish approach should have led to better things for Savio, but he was mired in the forgettable Los Boricuas stable by 1997 and then released the following year.

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Jeff Jarrett
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