10 WWE Moments 2020 Will Be Fondly Remembered For
5. Splitting WrestleMania Into Two Nights
We finally got a WrestleMania that was split over two nights instead of a rushed, overbooked 8-hour slog with few breaks.
While this was done for reasons outwith WWE's control, it turned out to be a very sound move. With the two-night format, each match could get proper video packages and last-minute build up, the pace was better, and we were left with a 'cliffhanger' feeling after night one.
What would night two be like? Would anything top the Boneyard Match? Would there be any last minute changes because of what took place on night one?
While a multi-night format like this is not new (Wrestle Kingdom did the same this year), this is perhaps the largest scale it's been done on. While we benefited as fans, anecdotes about the events also say that the behind-the-scenes production felt more relaxed, less frenzied, because there was room for error and more time to address any issues that arose.
This should be given strong consideration going forward for WrestleMania in 2021. It would allow for more flexibility as far as ticket packages, as well as give another night of 'Wrestle' to WrestleMania week, when there is normally so much else going on.