10 WWE Moments From 2022 You Totally Don’t Remember

7. Jerry Lawler Calls Veer Mahaan “Hairy”

Dana Brooke Reggie Wedding

Psst! Remember Veer Mahaan's endless string of vignettes and short run on Raw? On the 23 May flagship, WWE tried to get Veer over as a singles heel by eh...having Jerry Lawler joke about his appearance and call him "hairy". Stop, Jerry - you're cutting the lad deep there.

For the record, Mahaan's beard is majestic.

Lawler's ancient jokes fell flat with the audience, but it was supposed to be a launching pad for Veer on the main roster. The whole skit was also meant to further his abandoned feud vs. Rey and Dominik Mysterio. Most reading this won't remember much about that one either.

Triple H stuck Veer back on NXT in October, and he's since reunited his old Indus Sher tag-team. WWE's experimentation on 23 May will go down in history as the answer to some obscure promotional trivia question. Ask hardcore fans about it and they'll surely scratch their heads wondering what you're talking about.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.