10 WWE Moments From 2022 You Totally Don’t Remember

5. Dana Brooke & Reggie’s 24/7 Wedding

Dana Brooke Reggie Wedding

Y'know who loves a pro wrestling wedding? Nobody.

Well, that's probably not true, but hardly anyone would crow about the double-hitching WWE planned on the 18 April Raw. Tamina and Akira Tozawa were there to tie the knot, and so were Dana Brooke and Reggie. Naturally, everything broke down and turned into an unwanted 24/7 Title switch-fest.

Some folks on Twitter gave Tamina and Tozawa's kayfabe relationship some attention, but hardly anybody talks about Dana and Reg. There's a reason for that: WWE totally buried it beneath the usual 24/7 silliness, then had Brooke file for divorce on 2 May. So much for that.

Nothing about Dana and Reggie getting married charmed the viewership, and even company writers seemed to get bored of it before the wedding had even happened. That's never a good sign, is it? Creative blatantly couldn't be arsed with any of this, and so the story became Raw's ultimate afterthought for 2022.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.