10 WWE Moments We Wish We Could Unsee

4. Mae Young Is Game For Anything

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The definition of a wrestling slowburner, Mark Henry took around 15 years to find the gimmick that really worked for him. The Hall Of Pain and his fake retirement were masterstrokes, but prior to that, the World’s Strongest Man was lumbered with some pretty duff stuff.

Most infamously, there was 1998’s run as “Sexual Chocolate”. Henry turned to that hoariest of wrestling tropes, the love machine, ramped up to Attitude Era 11. He recorded a skit in which he was treated for sex addiction, admitting to a history of incest (a Vince McMahon idea if we’ve ever seen one).

Naturally, the next step was for Henry to begin romancing Mae Young. Then 75 years old, the two began a May-December romance - the natural conclusion of which was for Young to fall pregnant and give birth to a hand.

As a payoff, it’s hard to explain. The skit was about a minute long, but manages to cram in a disgustingly slimy appendage, Mark Henry openly cracking up, and the always game Gerald Brisco throwing up his lunch in the operating theatre. This is a rare WWE mishap that they’ve subsequently owned and made fun of. Nevertheless, it’s tough to justify as a wrestling fan.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)