10 WWE Moments We Wish We Could Unsee

2. Piggy James

Edge Lita Live Sex Celebration

The pre-Women’s Evolution days were dark times for WWE’s female performers, but a beacon of hope could be found in Mickie James. Debuting in 2005, she was launched into a great angle with her (kayfabe) idol Trish Stratus, and the two worked an excellent feud culminating in a memorable WrestleMania match.

James was a hot property and a popular Women’s Champion, so naturally in 2009 the bookers decided to treat her terribly by putting her into an angle with LayCool where the two women would rebrand her “Piggy James”, making fun of her (non-existent) weight gain and photoshopping her face onto hogs.

WWE’s attempts to do bullying-based angles always, always fall flat, presumably due to Vince’s inability to empathise with underdogs. James picked up a few wins in the feud but found the angle supremely uncomfortable, and stated later that she believed its intention was to humble her.

James has been around the world since and returned to WWE recently for a swansong that ended much more positively. Oh, no, hang on - she was released and sent all her belongings in a trash bag. The classiest of touches from the billion dollar corporation.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)