10 WWE Moves That NEVER Win Matches

8. Big Ending (Big E)

Big E Big Ending

It's important to state that the "never" part of this article's title relates to strictly modern WWE.

Why's that important? Well, there was a time when Big E's 'Big Ending' move was actually his finish instead of a transitional near fall spot used in New Day's tag matches. These days though, it hardly ever gets the result everyone claims it will - the team's 'Midnight Hour' finish is similar, and that's typically what gets them wins.

E's impressive-looking but deceptively-simply signature only exists to give New Day's matches a major near fall. It's not the only move they use for this purpose (more on that later), though it is probably the most prevalent in their arsenal.

There's a chance this hasn't won a bout for Big E since he put his singles run on ice.

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Randy Orton
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