10 WWE Moves That NEVER Win Matches

7. Sling Blade (Seth Rollins)

Seth Rollins Sling Blade

Seth Rollins isn't the only guy in WWE who makes use of the 'Sling Blade'. Finn Bálor has always used it too, and this writer is almost certain he's seen a few workers perform it by accident when going for clotheslines that cut off running opponents.

Analysing Rollins' matches makes it clear that he shouldn't be tricked into thinking this particular blade will cut through anything. Almost everyone Seth has faced during his WWE run to date has kicked out of the thing with ease - it's not the most potent of signatures, and crowds don't pop the way they do for other near falls.

That's not to say Rollins should ditch it completely, but it maybe shouldn't be used as a near fall hook to his bigger matches. It's tough to sell the twisting slam as dangerous when it has never kept anyone down for the three.

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