10 WWE Moves That NEVER Win Matches

4. Irish Curse Backbreaker (Sheamus)

Sheamus Irish Curse Backbreaker
"The Irish Curse Backbreaker from Sheamus. That must be it!".

Michael Cole loves shouting that on commentary whenever Sheamus hits one of his go-to signatures and covers his foe. Unfortunately for WWE's lead announcer, the Irishman is the only one cursed by this painful-looking move. He's yet to pick up any wins with it, and probably never will.

Despite looking like the thing has just disconnected someone's spinal cord and left them unconscious, the backbreaker always leads to a healthy two count before Sheamus roars something like, "Yer bleedin' kiddin' me" at the official.

You could probably add 'White Noise' to this list too. Sheamus should just 'Brogue Kick' fools instead.

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