10 WWE Moves That NEVER Win Matches

5. Moonsault Inverted DDT (AJ Styles)

AJ Styles Moonsault DDT

Most fans were first introduced to AJ Styles' stunning acrobatics during X Division matches on early TNA pay-per-views. There, he dazzled everyone with moves like the 'Spiral Tap', 'Styles Clash' and this sweet inverted DDT that positively thumps post-flip.

It's bad ass, no doubt.

Being killer to look at doesn't spare it from this list. Styles' moonsaulting reverse DDT signature isn't killer in execution, 'cause it doesn't lead to victories. That might've been the case in TNA too, but it just seemed more plausible that AJ would win with the move there. Weirdly, it's become one of those flashy-but-throwaway near fall sequences in WWE today.

Still awesome to watch though.

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