10 WWE New Generation Era Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

4. Tekno Team 2000

Black Phantom Gangrel WWE

See above for what wrestling writers thought the year 2000 would look like in 1995.

A mere five years before the new millennium, Travis and Troy (Chad Fortune and Erik Watts respectively) debuted as Tekno Team 2000. They were supposed to be from the future, and had an edge over their opponents because...they'd travelled back in time five years? What kind of gimmick was this?!

Who'd create/find a time machine and think: 'Let's go back five years'? Worse, who'd paint silver sunglasses on themselves and wear outfits that made them look like a baked potato ready to go in the oven? This was mid-90s WWF at its worst, folks. Trav and Troy had short runs in '95 and again in '96 before being released for good.

They made such a small splash that most reading this won't remember them at all. Ironically, one of the hottest tag gimmicks in 2000 was Too Cool - a team digging up past pop culture and appearing so uncool fans actually started liking them. Maybe Tekno Team should've tried that instead.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.