10 WWE New Generation Era Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

3. Kwang

Black Phantom Gangrel WWE

There's an age-old wrestling message board/WrestleCrap joke about Savio Vega's offshoot gimmick. 'What's the sound of 300lbs of sh*t hitting the fan? Kwang!'. That's harsh, but Vega's "mysterious" martial artist gimmick was an almighty clanger from the WWF's creative services department.

Kwang first showed up in January 1994, and lasted all the way to April 1995 before being repackaged as street tough Savio. That was a true blessing for Vega. He went from spitting mist and working his bargain bin Great Muta act to hanging around with Razor Ramon and getting an upper-midcard push to be proud of.

What a turnaround.

Kwang wasn't a welcome addition to the roster in '94. The idea reeked of leaning on old racial stereotypes, which was lazy and unnecessary, and it wasn't like there'd been much clamour for this sort of heel from fans. Going from Kwang > spirited Savio Vega was a huge upgrade.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.