10 WWE NXT Main Roster Call-Ups That NEED To Happen In 2025

5. Trick Williams

Trick Williams

Once someone has held the top title and been in the main event scene of NXT long enough, there's nothing left for them to do than to move on to greener pastures and level up. That is exactly where Trick Williams is at this moment—the tail end of his run in NXT.

Whenever he's slated to drop the title, he can't just reset as the next challenger and try to win it again. There will be no growth as champion or challenger. It'll just be a repeat of 2024.

Going to Raw or SmackDown will be a loss for NXT's star power (and an unfortunate end to Booker T vibing to his theme music), but Williams can either reunite with his former tag team partner Carmelo Hayes to reform the Trick Melo Gang in the tag team division, or continue to stay a singles act and work his way into the midcard title hunt by feuding with Hayes and others.

Trick has the presence, has gotten better in the ring, and just needs some fine tweaking from the veterans who can teach him the ropes in the major leagues.


Founder of pro wrestling site Smark Out Moment (https://www.smarkoutmoment.com) and geek culture site Fanboys Anonymous (https://www.fanboysanonymous.com).