10 WWE NXT Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

2. The Ealy Brothers

Memo Montenegro WWE NXT

Who are the best sibling tag-teams? The Steiners have to be up there, and so do acts like The Hardys, Harlem Heat and The Briscoes. One tandem you won't see grace that list: The Ealy Brothers. Their time in WWE's sun was shorter than most thought it would be. Gabriel and Uriel lasted between 2016-2018.

Both seemed to have all the tools needed to carve out a spot permanently.

Gabriel and Uriel were big, well-muscled workers who had a look one would think WWE loved. Something went wrong though. Uriel was released first, and that derailed Gabe's run too. The Ealy boys disbanded, and they're now considered little more than a footnote in NXT's lore.

Six years is an eternity in wrestling, so you won't hear anybody discussing The Ealy Bros much in 2024 (or after that). They're just another act that couldn't convince WWE they were worth keeping around. Harsh, maybe. True, definitely. The Ealy's are proof nothing is guaranteed.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.