10 WWE Promo Packages You Need To Watch

5. CM Punk vs. John Cena - Money in the Bank 2011

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaMHbrEfUc4 "Do I have everyone's attention now?" Everyone knows the story. Money in the Bank 2011, CM Punk's contract was up, he was going to wrestle John Cena for the WWE Championship and if he won, he was leaving with the gold. In one night, CM Punk changed the landscape of wrestling, and instantly became the hottest name in the business. His confidence and boldness was unlike anything anyone had ever seen. Even though he's often compared to Austin, you never had the "Was he supposed to say that?" feeling you got with CM Punk, in a world where everyone's an expert on how WWE runs. For an unconventional star like CM Punk, you need an unconventional promo package. This is reminiscent of the old "paid announcements" nWo used to sneak into Nitro broadcasts, it's like something WWE doesn't want you to see. The sense of propaganda is heavy in the video, and the random interstitials that flash up like "DWAYNE" and "SELL OUT" were fairly brave for a company so desperate to have The Rock main event WrestleMania.
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