10 WWE Promo Packages You Need To Watch

6. John Cena vs. Randy Orton - Bragging Rights 2009

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sod3MoDj_Zs Admittedly, the 2009 John Cena/Randy Orton feud is remembered more than anything as the feud that refused to die. By the time they got to the Iron Man match at Bragging Rights, fans were sick of it and sixty more minutes didn't seem all that appealing to them. That's the genius of WWE's production team though. In three minutes, they can make you believe that John Cena v Randy Orton is THE rivalry and with the right clips, and the right commentary calls, all of a sudden it seems like a must-watch match. The music in the promo goes a long way to make it as well. WWE has a long reliance of nu-metal type tracks, but the song used here is a slower, more emotional affair which lines up quite nicely with the feud in general. For some reason, WWE would revisit this song for Rock v Cena II, but it didn't carry the same weight as it does here.
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