10 WWE Punishments That Didn't Fit The Crime

3. Acting Like A Diva

Titus O Neil Vince Mcmahon Punishment

If eating chicken backstage is a faux pas, then imagine how much locker room trouble you can land yourself in by not leaving your egotistical heel persona at the curtain once you're done in the ring.

Shawn Michaels may have got away with it in the '90s, but Melina didn't get so lucky a decade later. In fact, the former Women's Champion apparently annoyed her co-workers so much with her "diva" attitude that they came up with a fiendish plan to bring her back down to earth.

That makes it sound a little more clever than it actually was, though. Basically, Paul London and Brian Kendrick made a wager about how quickly they could make her cry, before berating her with a barrage of apparently quite nasty and vindictive insults.

Whichever way you spin it, that's just way out of line. One would seriously hope that instances like this are a thing of the past in today's era (or at the very least that the vigilantes are met with proportionate punishment themselves).
