10 WWE Punishments That Didn't Fit The Crime

2. PG Blading

By now, everyone knows that Batista dances to the beat of his own drum. Whether it's calling out WWE for its slapdash booking, or threatening Vince McMahon with retirement unless he gets his way, he pretty much says and does whatever he wants.

Here's another good case in point: back in 2008, The Animal intentionally cut himself during a steel cage match against Chris Jericho, becoming one of the first wrestlers to bleed after the introduction of the PG rating earlier in the year.

Since this directly contravened his employers' new directive, Batista was punished with the full force of the WWE law. He was hit with a massive $100,000 fine, in an apparent attempt by the chairman to send a message to the rest of the locker room.

You can understand why they took a dim view of the incident, to be fair, but $100k? Even for someone on one of the biggest salaries in the company, that seems rather excessive. A tenth of that would have got the point across.
