10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Dec 20)

2. Lana's Future In WWE

From @BiggleBA: What is the future for Lana 2-3 years down road? Will she become a wrestler? Or will she just float around as a manager, etc?
She's an awesome performer that happens to be very attractive as well. The Rusev character and Lana will probably be paired up for a while because if they split up on screen, what happens? He's not going to be some dancing babyface guy and if he is, that won't last for long. She could drop the accent maybe to do other thins, but this is the role for her. There have been no indications that she is going to wrestle, which is fine. There's this preconceived notion from fans that all the divas should be wrestlers. That's a dumb way to look at things. It's wrong of WWE to book women to wrestle when some of them have no business being in the ring. They can be managers/valets or put in an authoritative position. Lana shouldn't wrestle. It's hard to predict where she'll be in two to three years, but if you just watch her as a performer it's obvious that she belongs doing promos in wrestling. She has tremendous poise and timing whenever she speaks. She would probably be a great GM one day. However, I think she'll still be paired with Rusev for the foreseeable future because WWE is hoping he can be a main event player. He'll need her by his side to get there. WWE has discovered a great talent in Lana. Her future is bright no matter what her role is.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.