10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Dec 20)

7. Vince McMahon's Future With Kevin Dunn

From @coolio83: Do you think Kevin Dunn stays if Vince McMahon ever steps down?
For those that don't know, Dunn is the guy that has been Vince's right hand man because he's been WWE's main Executive Producer since 1993. He was working as a Producer before that too, but it was 1993 (the year Raw started) where he became the Executive Producer. Since Dunn has been in that job for so long it's very likely that Vince McMahon would ever replace him. What would have to happen is that Dunn would have to step down and we have no idea if he would do that. Dunn's also part of WWE's Board of Directors. He's probably made millions working for WWE, so why stop? He's going to be there as long as Vince wants him to be. The big question is when will Vince step down? No idea. He may never move on. What we've seen from NXT and also other companies like Lucha Underground is that there are other ways to shoot wrestling shows, but we're so used to the Dunn style that some of us probably think that's the only way. This is a good question because a change in Executive Producer would probably help WWE programming. However, we have no way of knowing when that might happen.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.