10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Nov 1)

5. Bray Wyatt As A Top Heel

From @BKRevive: Can @WWEBrayWyatt establish himself as a top heel and what's the biggest thing he has to do to make that happen?
Be more evil. There's a lack of pure heels in WWE right now. While I'm a huge fan of a guy like Seth Rollins, he's basically just doing the gimmick of the chickens**t heel that is hiding behind the power of the people that run the place. It's not a new gimmick or anything like that. Orton's not really an evil heel. Kane was when he had the mask on, but fans just didn't care about it in his last run. A pure heel is a guy that never panders to the fans or does anything that would make them want to cheer him. Read Chris Jericho's book as he explained that when he went heel in 2008 he never smiled, he never said a catchphrase and he always stayed in character. Wyatt's got the part down about being in character although he needs to be more than that. Wyatt's a good heel, but he's not a pure heel. When he leads the crowd in singing that's a face move. When fans light up the arena when the lights go out that's a face move. The "we're here" line is a catchphrase that isn't a face move. All those kinds of things aren't evil. He needs to be more evil to really establish himself as the top heel in WWE.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.