10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Sept 20)

4. The Return Of Dean Ambrose

From @pitkethly_emily: How will WWE change/improve when Dean Ambrose is back? How would you maximise his return? The show will improve when he comes back because Ambrose is one of the best performers in the company. He's a very good promo man that has really carved a niche for himself as this eccentric babyface character that the fans can really relate to. They love cheering Ambrose because he's willing to do anything against anybody at any time. He's able to brawl or wrestle a technical style and he can definitely hold his own. Hopefully his feud with Seth Rollins leads to another one or two PPV matches. Rollins beat him in a cheap way at SummerSlam, then their rematch on Raw was awesome and it was done to write off Ambrose for five weeks while he films a movie. Now that he's due back at either Night of Champions or Raw the next night, he'll add a spark to WWE programming that it needs. The feud with Rollins will continue to be great because they have a lot of talent as well as a story that justifies them having multiple matches. He could get into a feud with Randy Orton after that simply because Orton's an upper echelon heel that Ambrose would match up well with. I'm excited about Dean's return. He's such a talented performer and every WWE show is better with him on it.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.