10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Aug 22)

10. A Secondary Title In NXT?

From Kevin Alexander via email: Should NXT create a second tier title to get other talents better storylines and purpose? I'm new to NXT and only watch on occasion and really only follow the main eventers.
I think they should. That's one of those "next step" kind of things that they need to introduce in NXT to give other wrestlers something to go for. Right now there are just the NXT Title and the Tag Titles for the guys while the women have the Women's Title. Adding another piece of hardware would be good especially if they did something to do make it different from the Heavyweight Title. The first thought I had was a Cruiserweight division, but a lot of the guys are cruisers anyway and apparently Vince McMahon isn't a fan of that kind of thing. They could call it the TV Title or something like that. Tyler Breeze could benefit from a midcard NXT Title so much. Ring of Honor does a great job with their TV Title and I think NXT having a title like that held by Breeze would produce a lot of quality matches. A reason why WWE may be hesitant to do it is a lack of time. Current NXT shows really don't allow that much time to have long matches anyway. The last NXT show had a four minute match as the longest of the night, so is there enough time to create a second title? I'm not sure. I think the time is right to introduce a secondary title and I have faith in NXT booking to build up that title to make it look valuable as well.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.