10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Aug 22)

9. A Possible Undertaker/Lesnar Tiebreaker At WrestleMania 32?

From @JR_O6: If Undertaker wins this Sunday should Brock Lesnar win the tiebreaker at WrestleMania 32?
Yes, that's how I would do it if Undertaker wins. My belief during this whole thing is that they should have Lesnar win because having a 50 year old Undertaker beating a guy in his prime that WWE is paying the most money to really doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If Undertaker wins then it may be cheap and he may get help from "brother" Kane or somebody else. I just think that it would be damaging to Lesnar. The match that Undertaker should have at WrestleMania next year, which could be his last, should be with John Cena. If WWE really wants him to go out with style then he needs to face somebody he hasn't faced at a WrestleMania before. He also hasn't faced Cena in a high profile match since Cena became a top guy ten years ago, so that match would be attractive to most fans. The intriguing thing about Undertaker/Lesnar is not just the match quality, but the booking of the finish and the crowd reactions. That's why I think it's a "must see" match in a lot of ways.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.