10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Feb 15)

7. Will All The Injured Superstars Return The Same Way They Left?

@Acnologia1262 has a very relevant question, given the unbelievable spate of injuries that have blighted WWE's superstars over the past few months. It's always impossible to truly predict how a superstar will return from injury, particularly one involving surgery, but I'll highlight two wrestlers I'm slightly worried for. Firstly, Tyson Kidd. The Canadian suffered a horrific neck and back injury last June, announcing that he would be out of action for over a year. The severity of his injury - one which required 16 staples, 4 screws, and the insertion of a supportive rod - means that the talented worker may find his high-flying style compromised. Similarly, I'm worried about Seth Rollins. The former WWE Champion's ringwork often revolves around speed and agility, a style it's hard not to fear for upon his return - particularly given the fact that the injury was to his leg. Hopefully every injured superstar is able to pull through, take enough time off to properly recover, and return to the ring as good as before.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.