10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Feb 15)

5. Is Fastlane Worth Watching?

This week's guest question comes from WhatCulture's very own Managing Editor, @AdamClery (so I'd better be on my best behaviour). He wants to know if this Sunday's Fastlane is worth watching. So far, we've had five matches confirmed for the PPV, and it's hardly the strongest line-up in the world. The actual in-ring action of the main event should be good, as Reigns, Ambrose and Lesnar are all more than capable of putting on a meaningful, dramatic match - but the ending has the potential to be catastrophic, especially if WWE go the predictable route and have Roman go over clean. We could well have another Royal Rumble 2015-style mutiny on our hands. On the undercard, the Intercontinental and US Championship matches both feature a pair of very capable performers, workers who could well deliver a very good match. However, they also both suffer from the same problem: tired feuds. Owens and Ziggler have done their best, but there's a definite sense that both men have been carelessly mashed together to fill time before WrestleMania. Similarly, Del Rio and Kalisto have great in-ring chemistry, but risk becoming stale thanks to the length of their feud. Finally, the women's matches - and the signs aren't encouraging. The Divas Championship match between Charlotte and Brie Bella could well be the challenger's last in a WWE ring, and should therefore have some emotional impact. However, in terms of the actual in-ring action, don't expect a Sasha Banks/Bayley classic (or even a particularly good match at all). Elsewhere, the tag match between Sasha, Becky, Naomi and Tamina seems like nothing more than card-filler, with an overly-predictable outcome to boot. In summary, were this a pay per view at any other time of year, I'd probably not be desperate to catch it live. However, its status as a prelude to WrestleMania (and the promise of an excellent main event) just about save it.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.