10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Feb 7)

2. Guests For Steve Austin's Podcast

From @deaddragonz: Who would you like to see next or on future Stone Cold podcasts on WWE Network? I'd really to see Taker on there.
The two names that come to mind the most are The Rock and The Undertaker. They are two huge names that haven't really opened up about their careers or things we don't know. Rock does a lot of interviews for movie projects, but Austin could get things out of him like nobody else because they are so close. As for Undertaker, he keeps things so private that we don't know a lot. Then there are some other legendary names like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and others that could have a lot of fun doing it although some of them have already done Austin's podcast. Among the current wrestlers, seeing John Cena completely unfiltered would be pretty cool just because he seems like a corporate puppet a lot of the time. Randy Orton's seen and done a lot too, so that would be interesting to hear his take on things. Daniel Bryan opening up to Austin about how he's booked sometimes could be fun because Austin is a huge fan of Bryan. Another name is Brock Lesnar. He might come across as boring to some people, but it would be awesome to hear him open up about things from his career while also finding out if he's grown to love wrestling and how long he wants to do it for. The great thing about Austin's podcast is that people respect him so much that it doesn't feel like an interview and instead comes across as more of a conversation between friends. That's why his podcast does so well.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.