10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Feb 7)

1. Current And Former NXT Stars That Have Impressed

From @DizTrain: Which current or former NXT stars have (positively) surprised you with their performances?
This may seem weird or like an easy answer, but Sami Zayn. The reason I say that is going into WWE he was known as El Generico in a mask. When they took the mask off him some fans were upset about it because they thought it would hurt him. Little did we know that he could be even better without the mask. We already knew he was an amazing wrestler, but his facial expressions are great and promos are solid too. Kalisto is another guy that stands out. I knew a bit about him before WWE, but not that much. He really is the next Rey Mysterio because he does some phenomenal things that make me say wow just like Mysterio did 20 years ago when he burst onto the scene. There are some other guys like Enzo Amore's promos, Tyler Breeze has improved so much in-ring n the last couple of years and The Vaudevillains tag team is very entertaining too. Some of the current NXT women like Charlotte, Sasha and Bayley have really impressed me. It's just awesome to see how good they are and better than some on main roster. Charlotte's been the most improved performer in all of WWE in the last year while Sasha is a terrific all around talent that is going to keep improving. Bayley's really good as the likable babyface. Paige is another one in terms of a former NXT talent. I had heard a lot about her before WWE, but when I saw her in NXT she really blew me away in terms of how talented she is. She's only 22 years old too, so there's a good chance she'll get better in the years to come. There are a lot of things to like about NXT right now. Be sure to check out the Takeover special this Wednesday night.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.