10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Feb 7)

6. Finn Balor On The Main Roster

From @tabrezlm7: Finn Bálor as a heel or as a face on main roster? I would prefer heel what about you?
This may sound like a cheap answer, but I honestly think that he'd be great in either role because he's got the talent and experience to pull it off. He's currently in the face role in NXT although he's had heel runs working all over the world before he got to WWE. The face role might be better for him just because when it comes to those big matches where he wears the body point he's going to stand out from the pack. When he did it at the December NXT Takeover event people marveled at it because a lot of them had never seen anything like that before. When you watch him work, he's not a tall guy so that means a face role makes sense since he's shorter than most of the guys he's against. He can really thrive as a heel just because he's a good talker that really hasn't had a chance to show it yet in WWE. In terms of working like a heel, he can definitely do that. What's great about him is he has a natural charisma and understanding about what works. He's been wrestling for over a decade, so it's not like he's some rookie that would get lost out there. I think he'll be a face for most of his WWE run although if he is unleashed as a heel then he'll be successful that way too.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.