10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Jan 24)

1. Daniel Bryan Getting A WWE Title Match?

From @the_ripper_2011: Daniel Bryan never lost the WWE Title. Doesn't he deserve a title match?
It's a fair question, but as a babyface wrestler with heels running the show the simple way to answer it is by saying that fair things don't happen for the good guys. It wouldn't make sense for The Authority to just give the guy a title shot when the whole point of their existence is to make his life difficult along with the other babyfaces on the roster. The "champion gets a rematch" thing is more of a myth than a rule. It usually happens, but not always. Randy Orton didn't get a one on one WWE Title match after losing it last year although he did get chances in matches with multiple wrestlers. Plus, if a guy misses eight months of in-ring time like Bryan did then it's probably okay to say that his rematch chance is gone because of all the time that passed. It would be nice to see Bryan back in the WWE Title picture where he belongs. Based on the crowd reactions, his in-ring talent and overall likability he should definitely get another run with the WWE Title. Maybe it happens after a Royal Rumble win. We'll find out this weekend. Thanks for reading the Q&A. I've been doing it nearly every week for a year on here and still enjoy it every single time. Thanks for taking part.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.