10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (July 13)

1. Who Is The Most Naturally Talented Wrestler In WWE Today?

Sasha Banks, Bayley

A humdinger to close things out this week, Oliver asks who the most naturally talented wrestler is at the moment.

In terms of WWE's roster, nobody makes the impossible look as effortless as Cesaro. Although clearly a very dedicated individual in the gym, his natural grace and showmanship make him a joy to watch every time the bell rings.

If I'm allowed to widen the parameters of the question slightly, I'd also like to mention WCPW's very own Noam Dar. I've never known somebody so relaxed backstage become such a flurry of activity in the ring. Add the fact that he's 22 years old into the equation, and the Cruiserweight Classic certainly has something special on its hands.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.