10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (July 13)

9. Lesnar Vs. Orton - Who Wins?

Sasha Banks, Bayley

Brock Lesnar's remarkable victory over Mark Hunt has surely made a victory for the Beast even more likely. At SummerSlam, Lesnar will face Randy Orton in a match given very little build by WWE (so far).

Sure, everyone was expecting Lesnar to triumph beforehand, but after UFC 200, a win surely looks even more likely.

Slight complications arise if we consider the possibility of him ditching WWE for UFC once again, but an Orton win would surely be too bitter a move - even for Vince McMahon. He surely sees the benefit of continuing to build Brock for the time being, before having him lose to a handpicked star.

Somewhere down the line, someone is surely planned to defeat Lesnar and receive a massive boost as a result. Common sense would dictate that Randy is too old to be that guy; it's more likely someone like Roman (please no) or Rollins (yes please!).

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.