10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (July 13)

8. Who Will Be Sasha's Partner At Battleground?

Sasha Banks, Bayley

Bayley. Bayley, Bayley, Bayley.

If Sasha Banks' surprise Battleground partner isn't Bayley, the match will surely be regarded as a disappointment.

The obvious obstacle here is the fact that the pair were fearsome foes in NXT, but this could be explained away by the fact that Sasha is a face now - and perhaps that the pair gained respect for one another as a result of their intense feud.

The pair have been openly friendly on social media for a while now, and it would be a dramatic way to introduce Bayley to the main roster to boot. Please let it happen!

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.