10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (July 13)

7. Will Roman's Suspension Derail His Push?

Sasha Banks, Bayley

This was the conclusion we all sort of jumped to in the immediate aftermath of Roman's suspension, but WWE's behaviour since seems to imply that he'll retain his spot at the top of the card.

Firstly, it's important to note that he has retained his place in the main event of Battleground. Had WWE been seriously unhappy with Reigns, they may well have axed him from the PPV altogether.

More tellingly is the response of Ambrose and Rollins. Dean, the face, has largely ignored Roman's suspension, and has spoken in largely forgiving tones whenever it is brought up. Meanwhile Seth has been his typically heelish self, exaggerating Reigns' transgression and making it seem far worse.

This seems to betray the way WWE want the fans to react, pointing them in the desired direction. Although Roman's push may have been temporarily derailed, I can't see this lasting a long time.

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