10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (July 19)

1. Favourite Heel And Face Turns?

From @hotpants1980: All time favourite face and heel turns?
There's really no heel turn that can top Hulk Hogan turning heel with the New World Order in the summer of 1996. It really shocked me and when you look at the crowd reaction, it shocked them too. A moment like that will be hard to topped just because of how historically significant it was with Hogan going heel after so many years as a face. I'm not even a huge Hogan fan, but that's definitely a favorite. A heel turn in WWE that I really enjoyed was The Rock at Survivor Series 1998 because it was a stunner. He was starting to gain traction as a babyface and then all of a sudden he became this corporate heel. The whole thing was booked perfectly too. For favourite face turn it's definitely Randy Savage at WrestleMania 7. He was an egomaniac heel that turned face after losing a Career Match to the Ultimate Warrior. People were crying when he reunited with Elizabeth even though he was a jerk for over two years. How many angles lead to people crying? That was pretty special. Another face turn I really liked was Andre the Giant at WrestleMania 6 when he choked Bobby Heenan and left on his own. There was a huge ovation for him even though he really couldn't wrestle anymore. Fans just wanted to cheer him as the gentle giant. The other one worth mentioning was Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13 when Austin became a huge face for not giving up during their incredible match. It worked so well and look how far Austin ran with the ball when it was handed to him. Thanks for another great Q&A - it returns next week.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.